In order to best meet the needs of the Veranda Beach community, encourage input and continue positive growth, the VB HOA Board has formed several committees with participation from homeowners. This is the currently active committees and a brief description of the purpose and objectives. All committees have a designated board member liaison and are not autonomous. All significant recommendations must be approved by the Board and final decisions are the Board’s.
Architectural Committee
- Claire Guest (Chair)(2022)
- Cynthea Yestal*
- Kathryn Caldwell (2021)
- Simon Powley (2021)
- Kari Grist (2022)
- Genni Reilly (2023)
- Susanna Sweet (2024)
The role of the Architectural Committee is to review Homeowners Applications requesting approval of modifications to their Cottage exterior, fencing or landscaping, and secondly to review New Construction applications ensuring compliance with the Veranda Beach Design Guidelines.
Landscape Committee
- Terry Lotwin (Chair)
- Taryn Striegel (2023)
- Doreen Moug
- Corey Yestal (2022)
- Susan Mitchell (2021)
- Tyler Martyniuk (2024)*
The role of the Landscape Committee is to oversee that the original standard of Veranda Beach landscaping is maintained, and additional areas that are added, appropriately reflect that standard. The committee is to as well research and recommend to Board, areas in which the association would be able to realize savings.
Finance Committee
- Greg Caldwell (Treasurer/Chair)(2021)*
- Geoff Killam (2021)
- Kiera Wright (2023)*
- Susan Jobb (2021)*
- Michael Bond (2024)
- Genni Reilly (2024)
The role and purpose of the Finance Committee is to be a resource to the Treasurer and the Board on matters relating to the financial operations of the VBHOA. Although the Finance Committee is an advisory committee without decision making authority, its duties would include assisting with the development of the annual budget and the related annual maintenance fee structure; reviewing the regular financial reports; advising the board on short and long-term financial issues; monitoring the accumulation, management and use of reserve funds money; and, advising on other financial matters that might arise.
Fun Committee
- Kristin Conklin (2021) (Chair)
- Marty Wachtel (2021)
- Mike Elhard (2021)
- Jami Rice (2021)
- Tina-Marie Bradford (2022)
- Mike Moug (2022)
- Danae Hordyk (2023)*
The Fun Committee is formed to develop recreational and social programs according to the needs of the community and for all interest and ages.