Posted on November 10, 2022 2:54 PM by Admin
Community Updates
Dear Neighbors,
For our Canadian neighbors we hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and for our US owners we hope you all have a restful and gratitude filled Thanksgiving. Don’t forget about the upcoming Turkey Wobbler at Veranda Beach this US Thanksgiving.
Lots has been happening at Veranda Beach this month. So here is what’s new:
- In the Board of Directors approved a new construction policy for both new builds and renovations. We have updated the policy over the last month to bring more clarity to the renovations process. If you are thinking of doing renovations on your cottage, please see the VB Construction Policy that was updated and approved at the October board meeting. Please see link HERE and reach out to Rhonda Hinkley if you are starting to plan a renovation.
- Veranda Beach’s incredible aesthetic is in large part due to the Architectural Design Guidelines that we have always had in place. The last time the guidelines were updated was in 2014. Over the last month the board approved a Consolidated Architecture and Design Guidelines. Please see link HERE if you are renovating the exterior or your cottage or planning to build a new cottage.
- Our LRMUS services agreement (3 year agreement) is due to expire at the end of 2022. Earlier this year LRMUS indicated that they did not want to renew the agreement and as a result we have been given a notice to vacate on Dec 31, 2022. So what does this all mean? In short the agreement primarily covered 4 main components – administrative front desk services, janitorial and maintenance services, mail/package handling services and rental space in both the Admin and Laundry buildings for the HOA team to work from. A transition plan has been developed by a special board committee that will go into effect Dec 1/22, with the move of HOA Manager/Security to a repurposed Activity Center. We recognize this is an important amenity for our community and hope that we will find a different solution over the long term. Additionally, we are securing offsite storage and work space for the maintenance and landscape crews, as well as hiring staff to replace the services provided by the LRMUS team. There is a very detailed plan that has been developed by the team and approved by the board this month. We hope you all will peruse it to familiarize yourself with the changes. Please see link HERE. We would appreciate any and all feedback that you may have once you have reviewed the plan.
- The Finance Committee is hard at work on the 2023 Budget. So watch your emails in November/December for Budget presentation and ratification dates.
- Now to some more fun stuff! Work is starting on building the ice rink at VB on November 5th. Our handy group of hockey dads are heading up to ‘get er done’ for the 2022/23 season. If you feel like volunteering to help build one of the most fun seasonal amenities just let Greg Celmainis or Derrick Hordyk know. Then we just cross our fingers for cold weather.
- For all you folks joining us for the US Thanksgiving, join in on our 2nd annual Turkey Wobble. Email Rhonda at More information to follow next week!
If you have any questions or comments for the board please don’t hesitate to reach out to any board member. HERE is the list. Alternatively you can email us at which will go to all board members and Rhonda.
Hope to see you soon.
Posted on September 30, 2022 4:56 PM by Admin
Community Updates
Dear Neighbors,
We hope you had a fantastic summer and made it to the beach more than a few times! It has been a while since our last community update, so here is what is new:
Jay Winters has been re-elected for his second term on the board. At our recent AGM, we also welcomed some new members to the board: Josh Hartley and Genni Reilly. We bid a heartfelt farewell and thanks to Katherine Low and Cary Van Zanten for the work they did on the HOA board over the last two years.
Construction at Veranda Beach has gotten going again and you are likely to see some new Vineyard cottages up when you return. Also, the Point lot construction is finally underway. It is great to see some new cottages and some families joining the community. To that end, it was time to have a proper construction policy in place. Please see the VB Construction Policy that was approved this month. If you are about to build or renovate – it is must read. Please see link HERE
The VB Rental Agency Agreement and Rental Agency Enforcement Policy were also both approved over the summer. If you currently rent your cottage please ensure that you are familiar with both of these. Please see link for Rental Agency Enforcement Policy HERE, and Veranda Beach HOA Rental Agency Policy HERE
Finally, a huge thank you to the Fun Committee who organized so many incredible events over the summer – from Happy Hours, Pool Parties to the Annual Sports Day. A very special thank you goes to all the volunteers for making it such a great summer.
If you have any questions or comments for the board please don’t hesitate to reach out to any board member. HERE is the list. Alternatively you can email us at which will go to all board members and Rhonda.
Hope to see you at Thanksgiving.
Posted on June 15, 2022 9:11 PM by Admin
Community Updates
Dear Neighbors,
In case you missed the last (and inaugural) one, we started sending out this monthly Board report to the community to briefly outline current items and issues that we have been discussing at the Board level. Over the last couple of years we have been trying to continuously improve our direct communications to homeowners, and this is a continuation of those efforts.
Here are some of the things that have had our attention over the last few months.
Enforcement Policy: At its March meeting, the Board adopted the VB HOA Enforcement Policy. This policy is intended to give the HOA and its manager the tools to enforcing the rules of our community in a consistent and principled manner. Give it a read (click here)!
Development Update: In April, the Board requested a meeting with the Okanogan County planning department after hearing that there were some issues concerning the issuance of building permits at Veranda Beach. Although the Board understands that the building permit issues may have been resolved, the Board is continuing its follow-up with the planning department for a meeting in order to establish good relations (as the HOA has only been self-governing since 2020, it has not yet had the opportunity to meet with the planning department) and in furtherance of resolving some of the issues that the HOA has been struggling with.
On a separate note, the new Marina is in and it is awesome! Check out the newsletter from Veranda Beach Marina.
Here Comes MORE Fun! The Fun Committee has been hard at work planning some fantastic events that you don't want to miss.
Sports Day Weekend: First and foremost is Sports Day Weekend – the crown jewel summertime fun – taking place July 29-31 this year. We are giving you lots of heads-up because nobody wants to miss this one.
Happy Hour: I was personally able to hit the "Meet your Neighbor" Happy Hour on the Boardwalk on May 20th – IT WAS A BLAST. The next one is scheduled for June 24th at 5pm (BYOB and appy's on us!).
Canada Day and the 4th of July Weekend: Eclipsed only by Sports Day Weekend, this is the second best weekend of the year (IMHO). Fireworks (July 1 and 4), Cornhole Tourney and Decades Dance (July 2). Oh yeah – and don't forget the fun that is the HOA AGM on July 2
Check out the calendar on the HOA website for the most up to date events calendar (click here).
If you have any questions or comments for the Board, don't hesitate to ask your favorite Board member (here is the list). Alternatively, you can email which will go to all the Board members and Rhonda.
Jay Winters
Veranda Beach HOA Board President
Posted on June 8, 2022 9:09 PM by Admin
Extra Extra! Read all about it!
The new Veranda Beach Marina is installed!
If you haven't seen it, you need to check it out!
To find out more about what they offer you can access their Newsletter here.
"Shout out" to Fred & Linda Beck in bringing this enhancement to our Community.
Posted on May 1, 2022 9:00 PM by Admin
Community Updates
Dear Neighbors,
Welcome to our inaugural Board report to the community, which we intend to send out on a monthly basis briefly outlining current items and issues that we have been discussing at the Board level. Over the last couple of years we have been trying to continuously improve our direct communications to homeowners, and this is a continuation of those efforts. So without further pomp and circumstance:
1. Services Agreement with LRMUS: The HOA has recently been advised by Legend Resort Management US Ltd. (LRMUS) that it will not be renewing its Contract for Services, Supplies and Facilities (the "Services Agreement") with the HOA after it expires at the end of 2022 (see the Services Agreement attached here). The Services Agreement is for services that the HOA contracts for LRMUS to provide including front desk services, janitorial and maintenance services, mail handling services, but it is not in respect of any rental agreements that a homeowner might have with LRMUS in conjunction with LRMUS's rental program. The HOA is currently exploring its options with respect to those services performed under the Services Agreement, and also notes that LRMUS owns the administration and laundry buildings (while the HOA owns the fitness center, the activity center and the bathhouse, and the Veranda Beach Partnership – i.e. the developer – owns the general store and the diner).
2. Increase to Nightly Resort Fees: The Board passed a motion in its March meeting to increase the nightly resort rental fee from $5 to $20 per night for any guest nights on or after September 5, 2022. The resort fee that is added on top of a guest's bill for renting at Veranda Beach in order to compensate the HOA for the added cost and administration of rentals. Over the next few months, the Board will be working on a compliance plan to ensure proper collection and remittance of the resort fees to the HOA, but wanted to provide rental agencies adequate time prepare for the increase. If you are, or are interested, in renting your cottage, please see the attached "Renting your Cottage at Veranda Beach" FAQ here, that we circulated in November.
3. Here Comes the Fun! The Fun Committee has been hard at work planning some fantastic events that you don't want to miss.
• First and foremost is Sports Day Weekend – the crown jewel summertime fun – taking place July 29-31 this year. We are giving you lots of heads-up because nobody wants to miss this one.
• Things really get going in May, with the pool opening planned for early May. Friday Happy Hours on the Boardwalk at 5pm on May 6th, 20th, and 27th (BYOB and appy's on us!), and our Memorial Day Weekend Decades Dance the night of Saturday, May 28th.
• More announcements to come as we head into summer. Check out the calendar on the HOA website for the most up to date events calendar.
If you have any questions or comments for the Board, don't hesitate to ask your favorite Board member (here is the list). Alternatively, you can email which will go to all the Board members and Rhonda.
Jay Winters
Veranda Beach HOA Board President
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